Friday, September 23, 2016

Seven Falls, Colorado Springs

We took a short trip to the Seven Falls this morning.  This is a privately owned falls, owned by the neighboring Broadmore Hotel. 
We grabbed a shuttle to the beginning of the slot canyon where the Falls is located.  We then boarded a tram that took us directly to the Falls through a slot canyon.  The views were awesome and very hard to capture with a camera.

Once we arrived at the bottom of the Falls we had an option to climb the 288 steps to the top or to take the elevator.  I bet you can guess which one we took.

Once at the top we had beautiful views of the Falls and the canyon.

As we were waiting for the tram to take us back down the canyon we watched a couple of fish at the bottom of one of the pools.

There are a couple more pictures in the link below.

Seven Falls

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